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1 - Column Sponsor Logo

This component allows you to have a sponsor image accompanied by text, with several options for padding, borders, and margins (top/bottom)

How to Use

1) Click the "Insert Component" button as seen below, choose the "1 - Column Sponsor Logo" component and click the Insert button.

insert component button


selecting 1 - column sponsor logo component


2) The following modal should pop up once you click the Insert button:modal of 1 column sponsor logo

3) Enter desired text in the 'Sponsor Text' field

4) Locate desired sponsor image by clicking the image-selection icon

image selection button

5) Enter the alternative text for the sponsor image. This text shows in case the image does not load so the user knows what the image was supposed to be.

6) The border, padding, and margin (top/bottom) fields are completely optional. They are used to adjust the space between the sponsor logo and other elements around it.

7) Click save and publish to view the component

Example of 1 - Column Sponsor Logo


1 column sponsor logo example