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Working with Tables

To use tables correctly, you first need to have an understanding of the different types of tables.

Data Tables

A data table is used to show a set of information. It is not used for layout purposes, it is simply to display data, whether that be text or numbers. Example:

Tuition* NY Resident Out of State
Undergraduate $270 per credit $988 per credit
Graduate $453 per credit $925 per credit
MBA $600 per credit $1016 per credit
Social Work $540 per credit $925 per credit
Physicians Assistant $584 per credit $1225 per credit
Physical Therapy $1016 per credit $1705 per credit
Nursing Practice $1016per credit $1787 per credit

Responsive data tables are compatible for mobile devices, so that users who access your site on devices with smaller screens can still view and understand your content.

Learn How to Easily use Responsive Data Tables

Layout Tables

A layout table is used to create columns and rows to format and style content. For example, the following can be made with a regular old HTML table.

Layout Table Example

However, a regular table for layout does not function well on mobile displays. For this reason, do not use HTML tables to create layouts.