Taking Time Off
Withdrawals, Leaves of Absence for Medical or Military Reasons, Cancellation of Enrollment
West Campus Undergradute Students
As of day one of the semester, students who wish to Permanently Withdraw from the university must process a Permanent Withdrawal via SOLAR or submit the Undergraduate Withdrawal/Leave of Absence Request form to the Registrar's Office. Students should select the Permanent Withdrawal option if they are certain that they will not be returning to Stony Brook as an undergraduate student. Students will be withdrawn from all current and future semesters.
Note to New Admits: Any new admit, whether freshman or transfer, that requests a Permanent Withdrawal before the add/drop deadline of the semester, must re-apply through the Undergraduate Admissions Office if they intend to return to the University. Admission will be based on availability and students are not guaranteed acceptance for a future semester. Please see the Undergraduate Academic Calendar for the add/drop deadline date.LEAVE OF ABSENCE
As of day one of the semester, students who wish to take a Leave of Absence from the university, must process a Leave of Absence Request via SOLAR or submit the Undergraduate Withdrawal/Leave of Absence Request Form to the Registrar's Office. Students should select the Leave of Absence option if there is any chance that they may return to Stony Brook as an undergraduate student.Note to New Admits: Any new admit, whether freshman or transfer, that requests a Leave of Absence before the add/drop deadline of the semester, must re-apply through the Undergraduate Admissions Office if they intend to return to the University. Admission will be based on availability and students are not guaranteed acceptance for a future semester. Please see the Undergraduate Academic Calendar for the add/drop deadline date.
As of day one of the semester, students who wish to take a Military Leave must submit the Undergraduate Withdrawal Request Form to the Registrar's Office. Students are required to obtain authorized signature on the above named form from the Office of Veterans Affairs.MILITARY LEAVE - OTHER THAN USA
You will be withdrawn from all classes corresponding to the term indicated on the front of this form because you are entering military service for a country other than the U.S. Signature from an advisor from the Visa and Immigration Services Office, E5310 Melville Library is required.MEDICAL LEAVE
As of day one of the semester, students who wish to take a Medical Leave of Absence must work with the Student Support Team to submit a request. This will be reviewed by the Student Support Team before being processed by the Registrar's Office. Students must submit medical documentation that states the student cannot attend classes for the semester in which they plan to take the medical leave of absence. Specific diagnoses information is not required. Any request that is submitted without proper medical documentation will be processed as a Leave of Absence. All students must contact the Student Support Team Office before returning for future semester enrollment. More information on this process can be found on the Student Support Team website.TRANSFER TO OTHER SUNY SCHOOL
As of day one of the semester, students who wish to be withdrawn due to attendance at another SUNY school must submit the Undergraduate Withdrawal/Leave of Absence Request Form to the Registrar's Office. Students must submit an enrollment verification stating full-time status from the new SUNY School the student is attending. CANCELLATION OF ENROLLMENT PRIOR TO THE SEMESTER START
Students that have enrolled and wish to cancel enrollment prior to the Semester start date must drop all courses (down to 0 credits) via the SOLAR System. As of day one of the semester, students must follow the procedure outlined below for requesting a Permanent Withdrawal or Leave of Absence. Please see the Undergraduate Academic Calendarfor semester start date.
West Campus Students will be eligible to enroll for classes for two consecutive semesters, following the leave of absence. After two consecutive semesters without enrollment, returning students must rematriculate.
NEW ADMITSAny new admit, whether freshman or transfer, that cancels their enrollment prior to the semester start via the SOLAR System or requests a Permanent Withdrawal or Leave of Absence before the add/drop deadline of the semester, must re-apply through the Undergraduate Admissions Office if they intend to return to the University. Admission will be based on availability and students are not guaranteed acceptance for a future semester.
New admits who decide to withdraw from their first semester as of Day 1 of the semester and prior to the add/drop deadline will need to submit their request through the Registrar's Office - navigate to the Forms tab under New Incoming Undergraduates. New admits are not eligible for leave of absences until after the add/drop deadline.
After the add/drop deadline, new admits that request a Permanent Withdrawal or Leave of Absence are subject to the same guidelines of continuing students.
Please see the Undergraduate Academic Calendar for the add/drop deadline date.STUDENTS WITH A CUMULATIVE GPA LESS THAN 2.0 AND/OR STUDENTS WHO HAVE WITHDRAWN IN A PREVIOUS SEMESTER
Students who take a leave of absence after classes begin who have a cumulative GPA lower than 2.0 and/or students who have withdrawn or taken a leave of absence in a previous semester must wait one full Summer/Fall or Winter/Spring term to re-enroll in classes. Any future enrollment will be cancelled.AUTHORIZED SIGNATURES REQURIED
The following students are required to obtain authorized signature on the Withdrawal/Leave of Absence Form from the appropriate office:STUDENTSOFFICESTUDENTSInternational Students (F1, F2, J1, J2 Visas)OFFICEVisa and Immigration ServicesSTUDENTSEOP/AIM StudentsOFFICEEOP/AIM OfficeSTUDENTSHonors College StudentsOFFICEHonors CollegeSTUDENTSAthletesOFFICEStudent-Athlete DevelopmentSTUDENTSFreshmen (First two semesters)OFFICEUndergraduate Colleges AdvisingTUITION LIABILITY
Students who take a Leave of Absence or Permanent Withdrawal are subject to pay all tuition and fees in accordance with the Tuition Liability Schedule. For further information regarding tuition liability, please contact Bursar'sOffice/Student Accounts.TUITION ASSISTANCE PROGRAM (TAP)
Students who receive TAP awards who permanently withdraw or take a leave of absence after the tuition liability deadline may jeopardize their eligibility for future TAP awards. To speak to a TAP representative, call the Financial Aid Office at (631) 632-6840.FINANCIAL AID
For questions on how a Permanent Withdrawal or Leave of Absence impacts Financial Aid, please visit the Financial Aid website or call the office at (631) 632-6840.MEAL PLAN
If you withdraw from the semester, you do not need to do anything to cancel your meal plan. This is an automatic process that is initiated when your withdrawal is processed. Students who withdraw from the University will be billed a prorated portion of the meal plan up to, and including, the official withdrawal date. Pro-rations are calculated on a weekly basis. Any questions related to your meal plan should be directed to mealplan@stonybrook.edu.CAMPUS HOUSING
Students who submit the Undergraduate Withdrawal/Leave of Absence Form must vacate and check-out of housing within 48 hours of their withdraw being processed. Students should contact their Residence Hall Director and Area Office for check-out instructions. Your billing will end on the date of your check-out.IMPORTANT NOTE: Campus Housing is not guaranteed upon returning to the University after a Cancellation, Leave of Absence, or Withdrawal. Contact Campus Residences for information on how a Cancellation, Leave of Absence or Withdrawal impacts campus housing for future semesters.
Students who have taken a Leave of Absence:
1. Students who indicate at the time of official withdrawal that they may wish to return to Stony Brook will be approved routinely for return to the University during the two semesters (Fall/Spring) following the one in which they withdrew if:
a. the student leaves in good academic standing;
b. there has been no previous withdrawal;
c. the student has no disciplinary action pending or in force.2. College of Arts and Sciences, College of Business, College of Engineering and Applied Sciences, School of Marine and Atmospheric Sciences, and School of Journalism students who have not been enrolled at Stony Brook for two consecutive (Fall/Spring) semesters and have not earned any Stony Brook credits will be assigned a new matriculation date and will be responsible for the academic requirements in effect at the time of their return. This includes students completing coursework for a Stony Brook degree at other institutions. These rematriculated students will be required to meet with an academic advisor before registering for classes upon their return.
NOTE: Summer and Winter terms are not considered to be semesters and credits earned during the summer do not count toward maintaining matriculation.
3. Effective Fall 2014, students who rematriculate at the University will satsify the Stony Brook Curriculum (SBC) Requirement in effect at the time of rematriculation. Based upon consultation with an academic advisor, a student who had previously followed the Diversified Education Curriculum (DEC) may make a written request for an academic exception to continue to follow DEC. This request must be submitted to the appropriate office prior to the first day of classes of the student's return to Stony Brook (CEAS Undergraduate Student Office for CEAS majors, or Undergraduate Academic Affairs for all other majors).
4. Educational Opportunity Program students must obtain clearance for re-admission from the EOP/AIM Office and meet with their AIM counselor.
5. Prior to registering for classes, all foreign students returning to the University must obtain a visa clearance from International Services.
6. Students who withdraw from the University and whose cumulative grade point average is less than 2.00 are required to wait for at least one full term before they are permitted to re-enroll.
If you are returning from an approved medical leave, please check SOLAR and contact the office phone number noted in the “holds” section on your account so that you are informed of available resources to best support you. You will need to meet the with Student Support Team before enrolling in future semesters.
Students who have taken a Permanent Withdrawal: Student who wish to return to the university after requesting a Permanent Withdrawal must rematriculate.
WHAT IS THE REMATRICULATION PROCESS? Students can review information regarding rematriculation on the Rematricuation page of our website.
NOTE: Students that do not attend the semester in which they rematriculate are not eligible to enroll for future semesters. These students must follow the Rematriculation Process for the new semester in which they plan on attending. Rematriculation Form and $50.00 rematriculation fee are required.
Graduate School Students
Graduate School students must contact the Graduate School in order to withdraw from all classes for a semester and/or to withdraw from the University.
School of Professional Development (SPD) Students
School of Professional Development (SPD) Students who wish to drop/withdraw from all
classes for a semester must do so via the SOLAR System within the published SPD Academic
Calendar deadline. After the deadline has passed, a petition must be submitted to
SPD for review.
Health Sciences Center (HSC) Students
Health Sciences Center (HSC) Students who wish to drop/withdraw from all classes for
a semester and/or withdraw from the university must contact their HSC School.
Visiting Students
Visit Summer Sessions and Winter Sessions websites for cancellation/withdrawal procedures.