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Student Voice

Campus Life Centers Beautification Committee

The Campus Life Centers Beautification Committee makes recommendations as to ways the campus life centers (Student Activities Center, Stony Brook Union, Alan S. deVries Center, Dallas Bauman Center, and Commuter Pit Stop) can be beautified both internally and externally. 



Student Voices for ASA Dining

This committee serves the university and the students of the university first. The members of this committee serve to gather student opinions and feedback on all aspects of the dining process. This group is responsible for representing the student body and acting as a resource to gather student feedback, communicate changes to meal plan holders, and provide recommendations to enhance the overall on-campus dining experience.



Dean of Students Advisory Council

The Dean of Students Advisory Council provides a forum and acts in an advisory capacity to the Dean of Students and other university administrators on a wide range of emergent student issues, encourages discussion on new initiatives, and develops solutions to make a positive impact on student experiences at Stony Brook. The input provided by members of the council assists in driving change and acts as a sounding board for new initiatives. The council is comprised of undergraduate and graduate students enrolled at Stony Brook University.



Dean of Students Black and Latinx Initiatives Council

DOS Black and Latinx Initiatives Council (BLIC) is comprised of undergraduate and graduate students, alumni, and faculty and staff. The council is dedicated to creating opportunities for students to gain cultural awareness, growth, and development in their salient identities, seeks to provide a circle of support for student success with the expertise of faculty and staff, and establishes cross-collaborative programs and services that foster a sense of community and belonging beginning at convocation to graduation.



Undergraduate Student Government

The Undergraduate Student Government (USG) at Stony Brook University is a governing body that represents the interests and concerns of the Undergraduate Student Body at Stony Brook University. 



Graduate Student Organization

The purpose of the GSO is to identify and protect the rights of graduate students, advance their interests, provide a forum for public debate and promote graduate student participation in University affairs.



Campus Recreation and Wellness Advisory Board

The Campus Recreation and Wellness Advisory Board serves in an advisory capacity to the Department of Recreation and Wellness. The RAW Advisory Board and its subcommittees provide feedback and advice on matters concerning the mission and policies of Campus Recreation. The CREC Advisory Board serves as a liaison between the various members of the campus community and the Department.



Student Testimonials



Katie Combs

"Joining the Office of New Student and Transition Programs my first year at Stony Brook helped me grow in ways I didn't think I was capable of. Through endless support from my professional staff in both the New Student and Transition Programs office and the greater office of Student Life, I have been able to achieve my goal of getting more involved on campus and discovered my love of working with students. The environment and people I have worked with have made the time spent here so incredibly fulfilling, I will forever appreciate the opportunities I received from being a part of this office the past four years."