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Operations and Facilities

Operations and facilities personnel help to plan, obtain funding for, and implement tasks affecting College of Arts and Sciences departments and units such as:

  • "Rehabs" of offices and instructional or research areas
  • Building infrastructure issues

Often this involves close coordination with:

Funds available for such tasks are limited, so an important part of our job is to help to establish priorities. Note that there are often rigid deadlines for applying for and spending funds, especially those from State sources. 

  Name and Contact Information Title Functions
Headshot of male with glasses poses in front of grey background

Andreas Koenig
(631) 401-9224

Associate Dean for Finance and Strategic Planning

Financial analysis and planning; adaptation of the new budget model; review and update of  the strategic plan of CAS; space review, planning, and allocation; other operational aspects of the college

Ed McFadden

Ed McFadden
(631) 632-8905

Assistant Dean for Operations

His areas of responsibility include maintenance and facilities, procurement, technology, space management and planning.

Laura Stevenson

Laura Stevenson
(631) 632-9913


Staff Assistant 

Responsibilities include general administrative support to all areas of CAS; managing part-time adjunct appointments, PCR's, and winter/summer faculty appointments.