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Survivor Advocate

For Students Who Have Experienced Sexual or Relationship Violence

If you have experienced sexual or relationship violence, Stony Brook University’s Survivor Advocate & Prevention Specialist (Survivor Advocate) is here to help you.

The Survivor Advocate  provides confidential support to Stony Brook students who experience any kind of sexual or relationship violence, including domestic violence, dating violence and stalking.  They can provide you with support and connect you to resources both on and off campus, such as assisting you with obtaining medical care, psychological counseling and other services that  can help you heal.

Christine Szaraz, LMHC
Assistant Director, Center for Prevention and Outreach
(631) 457-9981

Survivor Support Space

Flyer for Survivor Support Space including images of people gathereing togther and a heart held in two hands.  Text of flyer is on page underneath.A non-clinical, drop-in space for those who have experienced sexual and/or relationship violence, hosted by CPO staff. Connect with others to learn about common impacts of violence as well as strategies survivors can use for coping and self-care, and explore on and off campus resources for support.

The Survivor Support Space is held weekly on Thursdays at 1pm in the CPO office (Union 108) throughout the fall and spring semesters.

Frequently Asked Questions

You have the right to make a report to University Police, local law enforcement and/or state police or choose not to report; to report the incident to the University, to be protected by the University from retaliation for reporting an incident; and to receive assistance and resources from the University.

N.Y. Educ. Law 129-B §6444