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23/24 Lapsing Funds Calendar
State Financial Cutoff Dates Announced for SBU Fiscal Year-End
Ensure that your state financial transactions are attributed to the correct fiscal year using the cutoff dates for each transaction type.
Expenditures must be charged to the fiscal year in which the goods or services are received.
Date | Deadline Type |
Date4/12/2024 | Deadline TypeProcurement of Commodities and Services of $75,000 or more should be submitted by
this date. The Office of the State Comptroller (OSC) has 75 days to review all orders
of $75K or more. * To ensure orders are charged to the 2023-2024 fiscal year, you must receive your goods or services no later than June 30, 2024. |
Date4/26/2024 | Deadline TypeAll requisitions $50K - $74.9K requiring competitive advertising and solicitation of quotations should be submitted by this date. * To ensure orders are charged to the 2023-2024 fiscal year, you must receive your goods or services no later than June 30, 2024. |
Date5/10/2024 | Deadline TypeLast Day for Purchasing to Notify Vendors of cutoff dates |
Date5/21/2024 | Deadline Type
Last day for VP rollovers to be identified.
* Your department's internal cutoff date will be earlier than 5/21/24. Check with
your VP coordinator.
Date5/31/2024 | Deadline Type
All requisitions less than $49,999.99 should be submitted by this date. This includes
commodities and services available on OGS contract.
* To ensure orders are charged to the 2023-2024 fiscal year, you must receive your
goods or services no later than June 30, 2024.
Date6/21/2024 | Deadline TypeWolfMart punchout orders from vendors that can guarantee two-day delivery (e.g. WB Mason, Intivity, Fisher, and VWR) should be submitted by this date. |
Date6/30/2024 | Deadline TypeLast day of the fiscal year. Last day for Human Resources Services to submit salary refunds. |
Date7/26/2024 | Deadline Type
Last day to submit all Travel and Non Travel reimbursable expenses to Procurement
for processing.
* All Travel and Non Travel expenses must be accrued by 6/30/2024 in order to be paid with 23/24 funds. Last day to submit all invoices to Procurement for processing. * All goods and services must be received or completed by 6/30/2024 in order
to be paid with 23/24 funds. Goods received and services completed after 6/28/2024
will be paid with 24/25 funds.
8/2/2024 |
Deadline Type
Last day for VP areas to submit budget transfers - State (State Purpose Fund 10)*
Last day for VP areas to submit journal transfers - State (State Purpose Fund 10)*
Last day for VP areas other than Acctg to process journal transfers & budget transfers
- State (State Purpose Fund 10)*
Last day to request an increase to contract encumbrances (AC340 transactions)*
* Your department's internal cutoff date will be earlier than 8/2/2024. Check with
your VP coordinator.
8/23/2024 |
Deadline Type
Last day for all lapsed Procurement activity.
9/6/2024* |
Deadline Type
Cancellation of all remaining encumbrances by SUNY.
Last day for VP areas to submit budget transfers - all Funds other than State*
Last day for VP areas to submit journal transfers - all Funds other than State*
Last day for VP areas other than Acctg to process journal transfers & budget transfers
- all Funds other than State*
*There are NO exceptions on cut-off dates.