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Florence University of the Arts

  • Details and Cost

    About the Program

    Deadline Extended to 4/1/25

    Florence University of the Arts is an Italian institution of higher education situated in the historic center of Florence. Modeled on the liberal arts curricular tradition, FUA offers a wide variety of courses in the humanities, fine arts, social sciences and natural sciences. FUA has a highly qualified and dedicated international faculty, a large proportion of which is of Italian nationality. Students will study amongst other international students. 

    FUA offers a variety of extra-curricular activities, such as city walks, film viewings, and sports nights. A weekend trip to the Italian Riviera is included in the Program Fee.

    Applications are reviewed on a rolling basis. The FUA cost sheet reflects the price for the 17+ student apartment with a multiple-occupancy bedroom. To increase the likelihood of securing the apartment included in the program fee, students are encouraged to submit their study abroad application as early as possible. Additional housing options are available for an extra fee. Click here to view housing supplements. 

    Location Florence, Italy
    Program Type Partner University Program, Internship/Experiential Learning
    Program Term Fall, Spring, Academic Year
    Program Dates

    11-week program Spring 2025

    Mon Feb 24 - Students arrive

    Tue Feb 25 - Orientation

    Wed Feb 26 - Classes start

    Wed Apr 02 to Tue Apr 08 - Midterm Exam Week

    Wed May 07 to Fri May 09 - Final Exams

    Fri May 09 - Classes end

    Sat May 10 - Housing check-out (by 10am)

    11-week program Fall 2025:

    Mon Sep 29 - Students arrive

    Tue Sep 30 - Orientation

    Wed Oct 01 - Classes start

    Mon Nov 03 to Fri Nov 07 - Midterm Exam Week

    Wed Dec 10 to Fri Dec 12 - Final Exams

    Fri Dec 12 - Classes end

    Sat Dec 13 - Housing check-out (by 10am)

    Language of Instruction All courses are taught in English, unless otherwise specified. Italian instruction available.
    Budget View Budget
    Living Arrangements Participants are housed in shared apartments located in the historic city center, within about a 20-minute walk of a university facility. Each apartment is unique but includes a common living space with a kitchen, multiple-occupancy bedrooms, bathroom(s), internet access, air conditioning, and a washing machine. Housing is situated in Florentine neighborhoods, allowing students to live among local residents and become part of the community.

    Housing included in the program fee is limited, so students are encouraged to submit their study abroad application as early as possible. Additional housing options are available for an extra fee, and all participants are required to reside in program-provided housing.
    Additional Information A Partner University program is a study abroad experience where students are nominated/accepted by Stony Brook University, and enroll at a partner institution. In most cases SBU faculty or staff are NOT traveling with participants.
    Program Housing Statement: Stony Brook University is required to comply with the housing policies of the host country, partner institution and/or hotel/hostel. These policies may include requirements such as sex-based housing placement.


    GPA 2.8
    Other Requirements

    Students must be matriculated in an undergraduate degree program.

    Undergraduates only; all qualified students may apply.

    Application Deadline

    Spring Admission: October 1 

    Fall/Academic Year Admission: March 1

    Applicants are encouraged to apply as early as possible, as housing included in the program fee is limited, and seats in some classes are in high demand. 

    Candidates may be interviewed to determine their qualifications for participating and representing Stony Brook University abroad.

    Student Feedback

    • “Writing internationally gave me a new perspective on the art and helped me become a better journalist.” -Gina Valentino, a featured SUNY alum who discusses her experience at Florence University of the Arts.

    • "Florence is a major travel-hub which will allow you to become not just a tourist, but a traveler to all of Europe. I truly recommend you to discover what awaits you here in the heart of this archaic city." - Gregory, Fall 2017

    • “I encourage everyone to study abroad. Also, to stay away from the American influences in the country which will be very hard to do but it will be rewarding.”- Olivia, Spring 2015

    • "You get a strange feeling when you're about to leave a place, like you'll not only miss the people you love, but you'll miss the person you are now at this time and place, because you'll never be this way ever again." - Sarah, Fall 2015

    • "In my Public Relations Experiential Learning class, we were required to meet once a week in the classroom as well as attend two Florence University of the Arts (FUA) events a month. We had to write a press release for each event and afterwards we had to write an article for FUA's publication, Blending Magazine. One of the events was Fashion Loves You (FLY), FUA's fashion school. Each month they would hold events with various themes such as "Into the Jungle!" Often, the works of FUA students are displayed at these shows and free appetizers and drink are provided. Fashion students also would create and design a photo station for all to use. The other event was Corrodoio show, where the photography of FUA students is displayed." - Adele, Experiential Learning in Public Relations, Fall 2017

  • Academic Information

    Course Information

    Minimum of 15 credits required

    Participants will take 15 credits. Students will select from the following options:

    • Option A: 6 credit Italian language + 3 Academic classes
    • Option B: 6 credit Italian culture + 3 Academic classes
    • Option C: 3 credit Italian language, 3 credit internship/experiential learning + 3 Academic classes
    • Option D: 6 credit experiential learning + 3 Academic classes

    FUA's course offerings are linked on the "Resources and Contact" tab.

    Option A: Students enroll in a 6 credit intensive Italian Language course. Students who have NOT had previous experience with Italian will take an introductory course. Students who have studied Italian at their home university will take a placement exam to determine the appropriate level of instruction.  

    Option B: Students enroll is a 6 credit Italian Culture course (Cultural Perspectives: Awareness, Exposure, and Engagement). This course studies Italian culture through action and participation. This course also includes a language component which acts as a bridge to culture based on communication skills.

    Option C: FUA prides itself on having developed over the years a wide network of internship placements. In order to be eligible for external placements, students must undergo an evaluation by both the internship department and the external placement supervisor.

    Internship placements are offered in diverse areas and disciplines. Placement areas are determined during the application and interview process. (Students need to provide cover letter, CV, and material pertinent to the chosen area for the interview). Students selecting an internship will require a certain level of Italian language proficiency depending on the placement.

    Option D: Experiential Learning In addition to regular lecture hours, students will be involved in learning by going through real projects and integration with the local population and territory in order to remove cultural and learning barriers as well as to develop a strong likelihood for success in life. The experiential learning hours are fully supervised by instructors who track students step by step during their learning experience, monitor and advise according to student needs, and support student initiative. This unique learning model allows students to benefit from an all-encompassing educational experience based on theory and practice in real enterprises, learning of comprehensive operational processes, problem-solving, leadership, and management. Experiential Learning does NOT require that you speak Italian.  

    As part of the Italian language or Italian culture course, there will be an educational experience requiring students to participate in an organized service activity in the local community and a formal reflection on this activity.

    Academic Policies

    • Students must maintain full-time status while abroad
    • This is a partner university program. Applications must be submitted to Stony Brook University first. Information regarding the next steps in the process will be distributed to students who have received formal nominations by their International Programs Coordinator.
    • Grades earned in a Partner University program WILL NOT calculate towards the cumulative GPA for SBU students.
    • Non-SBU students must contact their home university regarding their grade and credit transfer policy.
    • All participants following the Stony Brook Curriculum (SBC) will receive GLO and EXP+ in addition to requirements fulfilled by their coursework.

  • Apply